Critical Incident Response
What is a Critical Incident?
A critical incident is are unusually challenging or stressful events that overwhelm our normal ability to cope. Critical incidents have the potential to create significant distress or post-traumatic stress injuries.
Examples can include:
Officer involved shootings, line of duty death, suicide of a coworker, emotionally exhaustive runs (suicides, violent crime, sexual crimes, runs involving children), mass casualty incidents, runs where there was a threat to one's life or the life of a coworker and much more.
What is CISM?
CISM, or Critical Incident Stress Management, is a highly effective, evidence-based approach to critical incident response. CISM is the most widely used crisis/disaster mental health intervention. CISM can be used in both individual and group settings to decrease the risk of longer term mental health conditions in participants.
What are the benefits of CISM?
CISM intervention following a crisis, disaster or critical incident have shown to decrease the development of PTSD, alcohol dependence, binge drinking, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders and reduces the need for inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. Effective crisis intervention also supports the resilience and longevity of first responders in their careers.
Group EMDR for Early Trauma Intervention
When critical incidents occur, early intervention is KEY to reducing the risk of post-traumatic stress injuries developing. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a highly researched, highly effective intervention that can also be implemented in group formats. This intervention is particularly beneficial for groups who experienced a similar event and already have relationships and cohesion, such as police and fire departments.
For questions or to schedule a critical incident response: